Hijab Tips to pull off a Long Haul Flight

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A long-haul flight can last anywhere between 6 to 14 hours. Spending long, boring hours at the airport or in the flight certainly has an impact on the health and physique of the traveler. Read on to find out some simple yet effective tips to get through this crucial time while wearing a hijab.

Wash your hair right before flying

Wash your hair before the flight and ensure that it is well-moisturized. This helps women to be well-prepared to fight the dry hair of the higher altitudes. Washed hair also feels fresh and less exhausted from all the travelling and covering up.

Loosen it up and relax

It is always recommended to choose a night flight while travelling longer distances. When the lights dim and it is time to catch up on slumber, be sure to loosen up the hijab and the hair and let the scalp breathe. Hair that is tied under the hijab for a long time can also hurt thus making it important to relax without worrying too much about the hair showing. Women who are more comfortable with covered hair can also consider wearing a top with a hood.

Choose comfort over style

When you buy hijabs online especially for your air travel, be sure to choose the one that is more comfortable in terms of fabric and style. Carry a spare hijab if possible for a fresher feel on the following day.

Drink lots of water

Staying hydrated during travel is important for the overall health and is also useful to keep the hair moisturized and fresh under the hijab.

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